My Top 6 Places to Find Physics Resources

In this article, I show you my favorite places to find physics resources.

If you’re looking for high school, college, and university physics resources, you’ve come to the right place.

#1 The Organic Chemistry Tutor’s YouTube Channel

The Organic Chemistry Tutor’s YouTube channel is known for having clear and concise math and science videos.

He has an Intro to Physics Playlist that has over 373 videos!

This playlist covers a ton of topics and is great for high school physics and intro physics in college or university.

#2 Heywood Academies Google Drive

The Heywood Academies High School Google Drive contains practice problems with solutions for Physics 11 and 12.

These problem sets have come from teachers who have taught the physics 11/12 curriculums in BC, so they are great resources for that!

We also have a Google Drive for college and university physics!

These are the problems that I have developed over the past 2 years to help Engineering students with their physics courses.

#3 OpenStax University Physics Textbooks

The OpenStax University Physics Textbooks are a great free resource for physics that includes calculus and vectors.

They don’t have a ton of questions with solutions, but they have the theory and equations for each section.

Plus they have a set of questions with answers for each chapter.

  • Volume 1 covers mechanics, sound, oscillations, and waves.
  • Volume 2 covers thermodynamics, electricity and magnetism.
  • Volume 3 covers optics and modern physics.

#4 Matt Heywood’s University Physics Videos

I had a hard time finding university physics videos, so I am making my own!

These videos cover harder physics problems with vectors and calculus.

Check out my University Physics Playlist.

#5 Physics I: Practice Problems for Dummies

Despite the title, this book is for really smart people.

It has tons of questions with solutions.

This is a great option for students in 1st year college or university physics.

You can also check your local library to see if they have it there to borrow.

#6 Schaum’s 3,000 Solved Problems in Physics

As the title says, this book has 3000 practice questions for physics!

This is a great resource that covers virtually every topic.